Months. Months and months have passed. I genuinely did not think I would be away from this as long as I have been. But here we are. Read on to learn what happened to yours truly.
A Thing Happened
To be quite honest it just happened. I was in the swing of things, and then I wasn’t. Crazy how life happens! But in all seriousness I never meant to walk away from this (or more accurately you all). I love my site, and the podcast, and the bonus mixes I produce. It’s my therapy. And of course with everything happening in the world I got the bright idea to move my other business (yes, I’m still an serial entrepreneur) to a new web hosting company. The skinny of it, I forgot to back up my pages when I moved this site over and well, if you can’t tell, I lost all of my narratives for each episode and a few heartfelt posts that I made. But that’s all behind me now right?
Macaroni and cheese it may not be, but House music has always been a comforting dish to my ears at least. And it keeps me happy and whole.
I’m Back At It
Absolutely it’s all behind me. I’ve missed being in the “hot seat” mixing. I love record shopping, and even though these days I’m not trolling dank record stores in the Lower East Side or West Village, I do have a few select portals I buy my “records” from. And yes, they are still “records” to me. There is usually an A side track that catches my attention, but I’m still a B side DJ any day of the week. Those are the tracks just have something about them that you play during a set and folks groove on to it. That’s why I do what I do. But I still haven’t explained why I walked away for a while. And I think the real reason is I don’t know fully.
The itch to spin is always there. I think the colder winter, darker months for us here in New England kind of take their toll on people. I’m not one whom is excluded from such feelings. I don’t think I’ve ever fully admitted to myself that I suffer from cabin fever, but this past fall and winter I absolutely did. And it’s lead to a resurgence within me to provide some comfort food for the ears. Macaroni and cheese it may not be, but House music has always been a comforting dish to my ears at least. And it keeps me happy and whole. So, I guess what I’m trying to really say is I’m back and thank you for having me back. And I’m not leaving you all again any time soon. At least if I can help it. 😉
So Now What
Well more mixes of course!!! What the hell did you think I was doing back here? In the coming weeks/months you’ll have episode’s six and seven of the “I’ll House You – The Mixshow” podcast. You’ll be getting a new “Soulful House Sessions” mix in the coming weeks. And also a very special Nu-Disco/Funky House set (name to be determined) in the works to be brought to life very soon as well. That one is going to be something else. Pretty much songs you can sing along to. And if that doesn’t brighten your day I don’t know what will.
But thank you again, I really am thankful for the support and gratitude shown. I’m going to put everything I have into this just because folks really take the time to listen and enjoy themselves. I’m here for all of that. So till next time, peace love and beats!!